
Iran threatens Europe over nuclear-related measures - 20.1.20 TV7 Israel News

Iran threatens Europe over nuclear-related measures - 20.1.20 TV7 Israel News Today’s top stories;
1) Jerusalem is gearing up for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, during which - for the first time in Israeli history - more than 40 world leaders will gather in the city to mark the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz Birkenau.
2) A new Israeli study by the National Security Index, in cooperation with the Institute for National Security Studies, found that the Israeli public supports continued military action against Iran, even at the cost of precipitating a wide-scale war.
3) Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif levelled a threat toward Europe, in which he underscored that unless it alters – what he referred to as – “their improper behavior” or “send Iran's (nuclear) file to the Security Council,” the Islamic Republic will withdraw from the (Non-Proliferation Treaty).”

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