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For any copyright, please send me a message. The Crab Nebula is the beautiful “stellar corpse” of a dying star that ended its life with a bang. Nearly 1,000 years ago, the Crab Nebula first appeared in the night skies above Earth, observed by Chinese astronomers. Initially dubbed a “guest star”, the Crab Nebula was violently born about 6,500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Taurus. Astronomers today speculate the nebula is most likely a pulsar wind nebula. Until recently, astronomers considered the Crab Nebula to be a by-product of a supermassive star going supernova – the biggest known explosion in the whole galaxy. But without a defined blast wave and superheated debris from the explosion, astronomers have instead found an inner region of gas heated up by radiation. READ MORE Radio signals from space: Mystery pulsar 'glitch' baffles astronomers At the heart of the nebula is a rapidly spinning pulsar, which is the incredibly dense core of a collapsed star that is rotating around its axis. Dubbed the “engine” of the nebula, the pulsar emits powerful blasts of radiation 30 times a second with incredible clock-like precision. NASA’s astronomers have now for the first time dissected the nebula in multiple wavelengths to create a detailed 3D model of what the exploded star’s remains look like. According to Frank Summers of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, the 3D model will help scientists better understand these incredible phenomena. The astronomer said: “Seeing two-dimensional images of an object, especially of a complex structure like the Crab Nebula, doesn't give you a good idea of its three-dimensional nature. “With this scientific interpretation, we want to help people understand the Crab Nebula's nested and interconnected geometry. “The interplay of the multi-wavelength observations illuminate all of these structures. “Without combining X-ray, infrared and visible light, you don't get the full picture.” The 3D recreation was made possible with data collected by NASA’s so-called Great Observatories. The Great Observatories are NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Spitzer Space Telescope. READ MORE NASA reveals ‘most powerful rocket’ which will take humans to Moon A four-minute video of the nebula, released by Hubble’s astronomers online, sheds light onto the beautiful object. The NASA video starts by first showing the exploded star within the constellation Taurus the Bull. The Nebula is easily visible from Earth, particularly around January, and has a similar magnitude of brightness to Saturn. The video then shows the 3D recreation of the Crab Nebula’s x-ray structure. You can see inside o