
The Apocalypse of the Subject (in German)

The Apocalypse of the Subject (in German) Support on Patreon:
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I have put together an online course on Heidegger on technology together with Justin Murphy. Follow the link here and sign up for a private free online seminar

I gave this talk recently in Berlin for the occasion of a event my friend and author Leszek Stalewski. The event was made possible thanks to the generous support of Lettretage Berlin
You can follow Leszek here
I will translate the talk into English at some point and upload it here, too.
In a nutshell, I understand the apocalyptic frenzies as subjectivity pushing against its limit and losing its self-certainty.

philosophy,continental philosophy,heidegger,hegel,nietzsche,german idealism,philosophy of technology,descartes,apocalypse,end of the world,coronavirus,philosophy talk,francis bacon,phenomenology of spirit,sein und zeit,heidegger vortrag,vortrag zur apokalypse,ende der welt,zeitenwandel,weltuntergang,untergang,phänomenologie des geistes,philosophie der technik,kritische theorie,subjektivität,immanuel kant,kritische philosophie,Kants Kritik,Hegels Dialektik,tod,

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