
The Weird Truth About Scarlet Witch And Vision's Relationship

The Weird Truth About Scarlet Witch And Vision's Relationship The Vision and Scarlet Witch have had an interesting romantic relationship, both in the movies and in comics. However, there’s a lot of weird stuff about their love affair that nobody seems to talk about. These are just a few of the weirdest, wackiest, and most disturbing things about Scarlet Witch and Vision’s relationship.

Might as well get this out of the way immediately: The Vision is a robot. He was created by another robot, the villainous Ultron, who had the intent of using him to destroy the Avengers. In the comics, Vision has variously been described as an android and as a synthezoid, but he's never described as being a human. Because, well, he's not. He's a machine. Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda Maximoff, is not a robot. She's a human being and there's nothing mechanical about her. So how can a human and a robot be involved in a romantic relationship? Is a robot even capable of giving consent to such an arrangement?

In the comics, Vision has long held a desire to know what it means to become human. It's part of what drives him to become involved with Scarlet Witch to begin with. But he'll never be human, and no matter how closely his mainframe mimics a human being's thoughts and feelings, he's still severely lacking in the emotions department. As for Scarlet Witch, she bonds with Vision because both of them are outcasts among their fellow Avengers. And while she might think she's found a kindred spirit in Vision, what she's really feeling is, in a word, artificial even if she succeeds in tricking herself into thinking their relationship makes sense.

The films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe do a lot of things incredibly well. After all, there's a reason why the franchise has grossed more than double the take of its closest competitor at the worldwide box office. But if there's one thing the films haven't done a very good job of, that's selling the audience on Scarlet Witch and Vision's relationship. While both characters are introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron, it isn't until Captain America: Civil War that their relationship starts to develop — and it does so under some pretty unsettling circumstances. Keep watching the video to see the weird truth about Scarlet Witch and Vision's relationship!

#Wandvision #ScarletWitch

Metal and flesh | 0:17
Boundary issues | 1:26
All's fair in love and war | 2:29
Love and interdimensional conflict | 3:34
Dad-bot | 4:45
Kid gloves | 5:45
Retcon to a retcon | 6:23
Tearing up my heart | 7:38
Wife-o-matic | 8:43

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