
RICH People Who Tragically LOST Their Fortune!

RICH People Who Tragically LOST Their Fortune! Check out these RICH People Who Tragically LOST Their Fortune! From famous billionaires who went broke to some of the richest celebrities who lost all their money, this top 10 list of famous stars who lost their fortune will amaze you!

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9. Mark Twain
When it comes to legendary writers of American history, Mark Twain (real name Samuel Clemens) is without a doubt one of the most important writers of his or any other generation. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry Fin, and Pudd’n Head Wilson are just some of the stories that he is known for. He was also revered for how he stuck up for the working class citizen in his time, which is why he used a pen name to sell his works.

8. Vincent Van Gogh
Depending on who you talk to, Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most important and talented artists in the history of the world. He's specifically credited for helping promote the style known as "Western Art", which is obviously quite popular to this day. Just as important though, the man had such a passion for painting that over the course of about 10 years, he made about 3000 works of art including portraits, landscape pieces and oil paintings. Today, to own an original Van Gogh piece will set you up with millions of dollars depending on the quality.

7. Bernie Madoff's Victims
Over the course of history, there have been many conmen who have duped many people to give them their money for the promises of many in return, and in the modern era, very few have done more harm to millions than Bernie Madoff.

6. The People Of The Great Depression
While the term 'fortune' means something different to every person, most times it involves money and valuable items, and in United States history, no greater loss of money and valuables happened than the Great Depression of the 1920's and 1930's.

5. Maureen O'Connor
There are many ways to lose a fortune that you have gained, and one of the most tragic by far is losing it because of sadness and grief over a loved one. Which is what happened to Maureen O'Connor. She was the widow of Robert Peterson, who was the founder of the Jack In The Box fast food chain that started in California. Maureen was running for San Diego City Council when she met her husband and they tied the knot in 1977.

4. Nicolas Cage
At one time, actor Nicolas Cage was one of the biggest actors in Hollywood. He had done many movies that had gotten him fame like Con Air, Face/Off, and more. He was even won an Oscar for "Best Actor" at one point in time. At his peak, he had over $150 million dollars to his name, making him (at the time) one of the richest stars in Hollywood. But, what Cage had in acting ability, he lacked in impulse control.

3. Sean Quinn
Sean Quinn was very much a self-made man, he started Quinn Cement in Ireland and was quite successful with it. Then, like many other businessmen before him, he decided to go and branch out into other fields of business. Including founding Quinn Corp, which was a major benefit to Ireland in regards to the hospitality sector. And to be clear, every single one of his businesses up to a certain point were very much legitimate, no shadow games here.

2. Nikolai Tesla
History states that Nikolai Tesla was either one of the most brilliant minds of all time, or a crackpot genius who was more "science-fiction" than actual science. The truth (as is usually the case) is a bit in the middle.

1. Lottery Winners
For many people, the idea of winning the lottery is considered a "godsend". Mainly because many of the people who win the lottery don't have a chance to make that kind of money any other way. So the notion of suddenly having millions at your disposal is intoxicating. However, that same intoxication of joy has led many to sorrow, depression, and even death.

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