
The Illusion of Outer REALITY Revealed (and how to change the outside)

The Illusion of Outer REALITY Revealed (and how to change the outside) The Illusion of Outer Reality keeps you STUCK in the autopilot mind. This video I'll show you EXACTLY how to SHIFT beyond the Illusion. Once you make the SHIFT, your life will completely transform in a POWERFUL way.

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This video I'm going to show you the illusion of outer reality and I'm going to show you how to really change your life in a very powerful way.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you the illusion of outer reality. I'm going to walk around right now. Let me show you like these lemons, right? These lemons appear to be outside of me.

However, here is the thing, when I look at the lemons right now, what is happening is my eye is an instrument able to then decipher the vibration of that of a lemon. So I think the lemon is out there, but really my interpretation of it is in here.

What's happened is the cones and my eyes are taking the information, decipher in it, and then given me the reality perception of that lemon being over there, but it's all happening within me. You see reality on the outside is a projection of your own consciousness.

Reality on the outside is interpreted on the inside, so the lemon is not happening outside of me. The lemon is happening within my own consciousness of my definition of what that lemon is. Some people may not even agree that that is a limit.

Maybe they call it something else. Maybe to me, this is yellow, but if someone else this is green, you see it's happening within me. The illusion is in believing in outer reality, which in a way is believing in the virtual reality that we're in. Ooh, virtual reality talked about this a couple of times before I'm walking around.

I'm doing a different type of video today. I've done, I just did another video like this. You let me know if you like videos like this, more casual me walking around, but, but the outer reality that we perceive of is a reflection and happens within us, but this is what most people do.

You want to know what most people do. I'll show you. This is analogy that I heard from Bashar, but nonetheless, it's a very powerful analogy. If I'm in this his mirror right now and I'm looking in the mirror, I can be like, Yo, I want to change the reflection right here. I want it to look a little bit different.

And if I were to go and get a hammer or something, and maybe what I did is I were to bang on the mirror, maybe I would have tried to like move it, smear up the mirror, and then have someone else to clean it. And I want to go like this and try to smile. I know that by going out here and trying to change the reflection, nothing happens.

This is a metaphor for reality because what most people do in reality is they go out and they try to change things on the outside without first change and things on the inside. And it's much easier to change things on the inside because that's where the power is. So if I were to have said, just smile like Ha, look at me and smiling by smiling, what happens is then the outer reflection changes.

So anything you want to change on your life, first off changed the way you relate to the thing you want to change. When you change the way that you relate to it, you then start to take your power back and you realize that all the resistance, you create resistance. If I'm trying to change the outside and I'm attached, most people are attached to what's happening in the mirror.

They're focused on that instead of how they feel about what's happening. The, you see, this is the difference in reality itself is how aware are we of that, of our internal mechanisms, how we think about things instead of what we can focus on is knowing that if I want to change anything on the outside, I first off, most changed my perception of it on the inside instead of me trying to change that.

Right? Lemon. Yeah. I could think about it in a different way if I wanted to change that limit to be, um, in a way more healthy to me. If I wanted to relate to it in more of a healthy way and I wanna start using a healthy weight, what I could do is put it in hot water and lemon. Now you say you do that on the outside, but I first thought perceived of it and I knew the benefits of drinking lemon...

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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