Only haters would say I made this video 10min long so I can put in more adds....
No but fr I need money so I hope we can make at least 5 bucks out of this one.
I am a virgin so use Code: TheBlyatsSilence in the item shop, Love ya :)
The best way you can talk to me :) --------------------------- My mouse:
If you wanna know any of my specs or anything else, hmu on discord, Ill link you :)
#apextfup,Fortnite,Fortnite Creative,Creative warrior,#release the hounds,#Novarc,#DeliriumRC,DeriveRC,fastest editor,fast edits,win every game,20 bomb,30 bomb,40 bomb,50 bomb,#FlamezzRV,#ApokalyptoV2,Apokalypto,faster than raider464,underrated player,looking for a clan,clan recruit,recruit,parallel,bh,hybrid player,lunarc,Galaxy clips,Galaxyclips,upshall,Faze Swan,Exalted,Flea,