
COLOUR TEMPERATURE | Why BLACK objects absorb more heat than WHITE objects? | Why leaf appears green

COLOUR TEMPERATURE | Why BLACK objects absorb more heat than WHITE objects? | Why leaf appears green #COLOUR_TEMPERTATURE
#Why do black objects absorb more heat (light) than lighter colored objects? What do wavelengths have to do with it?

Ever tried going out in the sun while wearing #black clothes? Compared to someone who is wearing a lighter colored shirt, you will sweat much more. Do you know why?

Before knowing the answer, you must first understand how objects are colored.

#Heat and #light are both different types of energy and energy can be converted from one form to another.
Light energy converts to heat energy when the light is absorbed. When an object absorbs more light, it produces more heat. In simpler terms, more light means more heat.
Black object absorbs all wavelengths of light and converts them into heat, so the object gets warm. A white object reflects all wavelengths of light, so the light is not converted into heat and the temperature of the object does not increase noticeably. They are complete opposites.
Other colors absorb some wavelengths and reflect others, which is what makes them appear different to the human eye.

The darker shade of color, the more heat an object absorbs, while the lighter the color, the less heat it absorbs. The light energy absorbed is then radiated out as heat.

When light interacts with an object, that light can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted. An object's color is based on how much light it absorbs and reflects.

For example, if you look at a leaf, that leaf appears to be green because it reflects the green wavelength back to our eyes and absorbs all the other colors. an object that absorbs selectively yellow light will not look yellow; it would be a combination of every other color besides yellow. The color an object appears is the complementary color to the color the object absorbs. If an object absorbs yellow light, then it will reflect all of the other colors of light and it will look violet

The best absorbers are also the best emitters. Black objects heat up faster than shiny ones, but they cool down faster too.


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